Saturday, August 13, 2011

Our beautiful world that God gave us!

I woke up at 5:00 this morning and saw the sunrise! It was sooo beautiful I couldn't believe it! and it made me think, God gave us sooo much and what are we giving back to Him? all He asks is for our love, and some of us don't even give Him that! I started reading and finished a book called Stepping Heavenward, which I think every Girl(and boy) should read! it has some great wisdom in it. And after I read it I started a journal similar to the one she has in the book, I have put everything from verses, to random thoughts, to prayers. and I wanted to share some of it with you. this is my first entry to it.

"I've been thinking a lot lately... I have many friendships that I could be witnessing to, but I never have! I just put those friendships off thinking,'I'll take care of them later, I think I'll go play Nancy Drew'. But I should be nurturing those friendships and witnessing to these friends. I don't know that they're saved and I should be setting an example for them. For as a Christian I am representing God.How would I represent Him when I don't show His love to all the others of this earth??? that would be giving unbelievers the wrong impression of Him. I read a book called Holiness by J.C. Ryle. and he talks a lot about Sanctification and justification. I may be justified but I have not been working very hard on my sanctification! but after thinking about witnessing, I started to think about HOW we witness. by our dress. the way we talk. the way we act. in dress, do we glorify Him in dressing immodestly??? No, we glorify Him by dressing they way He wants us to be dressed. He talks about that a lot in the bible. woman should not show themselves off, they should protect themselves. and save those things for their husbands only. and We witness by the way we talk. Do we use language of take the Lord's name in vain???? one simple phrase is used ALL the time! Oh my ...... and that is taking His name in vain. and in the way we act. are we rash and quick in our temper? no one can be perfect, but it is our duty to grow as much like the Lord as we can!( I think I've completely gone off what I wrote in the book. sorry!)   We ask the Lord to give us patience, and what does he do? he gives us the opportunity to use patience. I have asked a lot for patience, it is my greatest fault i think. and He has given me many opportunity's to better myself in that. I have mostly fail, but in the times I haven't, I praise Him!!!! and in the times that I DID fail. I should have praised him... but no. I am a proud selfish being...... but I just want to encourage everyone in prayer, and in asking Him to help us. we can't do it by ourselves. in fact we do nothing ourselves that the lord didn't give us the means to do in the first place! so like a Morning and Evening I read recently. "Continue In Prayer"