Sunday, September 25, 2011

I'm back! (Ish)

It's a Sunday morning. and I hope to go to church but I doubt it. I haven't Blogged in a long time. So sorry! It's been 7 months since I have been kept to my bed. I get out a little bit on my good days. and sometimes I have no choice. but life is the same. I read The Hiding Place again. I hadn't in a long time. and most people know it as being a good or even a really good book. but I encourage you to read it again! It is really really good, and I'd like to think I learned a lot from it. I pray every day that the Lord work on me. "form me to Your ways" but I am lazy. I don't do as much as I should. Pray! it's the best thing for it. but how do I remember. every time you think about it. pray. for someone your self. don't always ask for things. thank God for what you have. and what you may not want but have. like in The Hiding Place. Betsie thanks God for the lice. and it shows it's quality. the guards wouldn't come in their room because of the lice, so they were able to share the bible with everyone else! and the miracle that God performed. with the drops. they just kept coming out until they had a replacement for them. but anyway. this is my new blog. I'm sorry for being so lazy, I'll try to keep up more. and I hope I have some good things to write about!
