Sunday, May 22, 2011

Well hey there!

so I've never blogged before. so bear with me... I was going to start with "I'm just an ordinary girl" when I thought to myself... I'm not exactly ordinary. I'm quite eccentric. my days sstart with a morning devotion and taking my med. then I get into the exciting stuff. such as Reading a good book, or drawing an illustration. I don't take very good photos like my sister does! but I think I'll have her take some of my drawings to post on here. and I'm not a very good writer either so this wont be very long..... let me see. I have already stated that I became a Christian about 2 years ago. under the teaching of Pastor Johnson at TCBC. and I've learned a lot from John MacArthur's sermons! they are wonderful! especially when you spend most of your time in bed, it's really nice to be able to listen to sermons online! sooo. I think I have already run out of ideas. if anyone has any ideas for what to write about just let me know! I'll keep you posted!... well that wasn't a very good pun but still. I hope you enjoy my posts. and I'm sure that I will at least! write to you soon!


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